Acne Facts And Fictions

Acne Facts And Fictions

 Fact: Acne is Caused by Sebum Secretion

It is true that acne is primarily caused by the excessive production of sebum, an oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands present in the skin of all mammals.

Fact: Acne is Caused by Clogged Pores

The combination of dead skin cells and excessive sebum leads to the clogging of skin pores. These clogged pores create an environment where the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes can thrive. Consequently, the body reacts to these bacteria, triggering an inflammatory response commonly known as acne.

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Fiction: Acne is Caused by Poor Hygiene

While acne does result from clogged pores, maintaining better hygiene alone cannot prevent or treat acne. Scrubbing the skin vigorously cannot effectively unclog or prevent the clogging of pores, as the blockage occurs deep beneath the skin's surface.

Fiction: Acne is Caused by Diet

Although excessive sebum production contributes to acne, altering your diet to avoid oily foods is unlikely to have a significant impact. The secretion of sebum is hormonally regulated and not directly influenced by diet.

Fact: Acne is Hormonally Related

Hormonal changes play a significant role in the development of acne. Puberty, for example, often triggers hormonal imbalances that lead to increased sebum production and other factors associated with the occurrence of acne.

Fact: Acne can be Triggered by Medications

Certain medications or chemicals can cause or exacerbate acne. There is evidence suggesting a correlation between acne and the use of Anabolic steroids, medications containing halogens, and exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds.

If you're struggling with acne and seeking a natural and permanent solution, you might be interested in Mike Walden's holistic acne system called "Acne No More." The comprehensive guide provides valuable information on eliminating acne without relying on drugs, creams, or gimmicks. With 223 pages of honest and straightforward content, it's a highly recommended resource. For more information, visit the official website: Click Here -->


Understanding the facts and dispelling the fictions surrounding acne can be crucial in effectively managing this common condition. Remember, while acne is primarily caused by sebum secretion and clogged pores, factors such as hygiene and diet have limited impact. Hormonal imbalances and certain medications can also contribute to acne development. Exploring reliable resources like "Acne No More" can provide valuable insights into treating acne naturally and permanently.

Acne No More

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